Site and Support Documentation

This page provides some documentation to help you use and manage your site. It also contains information on various support options. Additional details are provided towards the bottom of this page.

Only users with administrator privileges who are logged into your site are able to view this page. Keep this page as a reference as long as you like. You can delete it if you no longer need it.


Many of the features of your site are powered by plugins. You can read more about what plugins are and how to manage them on this support page.

Installed Plugins

  • Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) – Used to add custom fields to posts, and pages. There are two custom field groups added to the website for the movie schedule and to change the ordering of the post categories displayed in the homepage. Click here to read the documentation of this plugin.
  • Ghost Kit – A styling extension for the default Gutenberg blocks and lazy Blocks plugin, with a collection of useful and responsive blocks. Read the documentation of the plugin Click here.
  • Essential Blocks – The Ultimate Gutenberg blocks library to create WordPress sites in the Gutenberg Block Editor with 60+ essential blocks, patterns, templates for WooCommerce, posts, & more. Read the documentation of the plugin Click here.
  • Popup Maker – Easily create & style popups with any content. Theme editor to quickly style your popups. Add forms, social media boxes, videos & more. Click here to read the documentation of this plugin.
  • Default featured image – Add a default featured image to the media settings page. This featured image will show up if no featured image is set. Simple as that. Click here to read the documentation of this plugin.
  • Advanced WordPress Backgrounds – Create any type of backgrounds using advanced block settings Parallax, Image and Video Backgrounds Plugin For WordPress.. Click here to read the documentation of this plugin.

Optional Plugins

The following plugins are not required but are recommended. If you do not want to use these plugins, you can disable (deactivate) them or uninstall them at any time. Please be cautious about disabling or removing other plugins since most of them are required for your site to function as you specified. 

  • Yoast SEO – you can see a list of the SEO features this plugin offers here

Changing Contact Form Email

Edit the contact us page from page admin

Locate the Form Block Settings

WordPress Block Tutorial

Unsync or Detach the Sync Pattern

If you have a different content, or add something new but you don’t want to affect all patterns because it was set to sync, you can detach or unsync it and only that block you call will detach.

Full Site Editing (FSE)

A collection of WordPress features that allow users to design and edit their entire website using blocks:

  • Template editing: Customize the look of posts and pages
  • Site editing: Change the design of your blog, archive, or 404 page
  • Styles interface: Add color palettes, change colors, typography, and spacing
  • Theme configuration file: New tools for developers
FSE offers several benefits, including: 
  • Real-time feedback: Users can see changes as they happen
  • Streamlined workflows: Developers can focus on building complex layouts and functionalities
  • Design freedom: Designers can translate their creative visions directly into the website-building process

Theme Editor or FSE is located in Appearance.

You will find 5 theme options.

In Navigation Option you will find the navigation you created.

Inside the navigation you can edit it directly without going to header pattern.

In Styles option either you select premade styles or edit the default, but mostly we edit the default.

Typography – You have the options to select google fonts or upload custom fonts (use .ttf or WOF), once the font family is ready you can assign them to text, links, headings, captions and buttons.
Colors – Select your global colors for fonts and create extra global color palette.
Background – I don’t touch this one.
Shadows – I don’t touch this one.
Layout – Set the container max width, container spacing and block spacing(this will apply to guttenberg grid system not ghostkit)

In Pages Option you can edit the page settings here similar to Admin Page.

In Template Option you can edit the existing template like page, post, category, woocommerce and more. Also you can create new template for special page and call the custom template in admin page.

Admin Page

In Pattern Option you can directly edit the pattern you have created and edit the header and footer pattern.

Edit each pattern

Create new pattern from blank.

Edit your header and footer pattern, you can have more different header or footer and call them in Template Option.

Blog Categories

Blog Categories on this website have been customized for admins to add featured images, and icons, and have a custom ordering function. Click here to start customizing the post categories.

A set of options will appear when you hover your cursor over a category. You can delete, view, or edit a category by clicking one of those options.

To modify a category, click on Edit. You can change the name, or the slug of the category and if you want, you can set a parent category.

General support options

If you need assistance with your site post-launch, you can contact our Happiness Engineers (which is what we call our support team) for standard support requests according to our Terms of Service.

Please be aware that because some of the work we do for you falls under “customization” it may not be supported within the regular support terms. For example, this includes visual layout and design changes that require custom code and trouble with third-party plugins.