So, you made it.

Your business has finally migrated to the cloud. Reliable IT is the new normal, you’ve dropped human resource costs and washed your hands of those capex hardware investments every three years. Happy days, right?

Not so fast. You’re three months into your cloud journey and your CFO is worried. She’s seen the AWS bills and projected costs forward for the year. It doesn’t look good.

What happened?

Inefficiency is expensive

When businesses first move to the cloud, the configuration of their systems often mirrors how they were before the move. Sure they work fine, but they don’t work efficiently and it’s that expensive inefficiency that your business is likely paying for.

AWS has a heap of smart services that your business can take advantage of to optimise the efficiency of your systems and the bill that’s delivered to your inbox every month.

That’s why we made this guide

The aim of this guide is to show you a what’s possible and present you with actionable approaches you can take to optimise your AWS services and save money.

Every chapter has been written with non-technical language and analogies that business leaders (CEOs, CFOs and business owners) will not only understand but be able to drive real action from.

This is by no means a technical deep-dive, but IT people out there might find it useful too. Why? Well, because knowing how something works isn’t the same as understanding the broader concept (which in turn helps you get better at the how). You’ll get that from this guide.

It will save you actual money

Before you start, take a note of your AWS bill as of today. If you read this guide and implement each approach, you’ll see a difference of at least 10%.

Naturally, the less you’ve sought to optimise your AWS services, the more you’ll gain from the approaches that follow.

If you get to the end of this guide and find you’ve genuinely considered and implemented each one, you should pat yourself on the back and tell your boss to shout your next lunch – you’re in the minority.