Shared Mailboxes
What is a Shared Mailbox?
A Shared Mailbox is an email inbox that more than one person has access to. Access is managed by granting or revoking access to individual User Accounts or Security Groups (containing multiple User Accounts).
Shared Mailbox Permissions
Once a User or Security Group has been granted access to a Shared Mailbox, they are assigned Permissions that determine the scope of their abilities. There are three Permissions that can be assigned, “Full Access”, “Send As” and “Send on Behalf”.
Full Access
The User can log into the Shared Mailbox; read, view, delete and change email messages or calendar items. Users with Full Access permissions cannot send email from a Shared Mailbox unless they also have Send As or Send on Behalf Permissions.
Send As
The User can impersonate the Shared Mailbox when sending email. For example, if Elie logs into the “Marketing Department” Shared Mailbox and sends an email, it will look like the Marketing Department sent the email (not Elie).
Send On Behalf Of
The User can send on behalf of the Shared Mailbox. For example, if Sandra logs into the “Human Resources” Shared Mailbox and sends an email, it will look like the email was sent from “Sandra on behalf of Human Resources”.